Glug Staff
Photography: SalvaTerra
Wednesday 27 March 2024

This article is from
issue 34
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The Valpolicella Classica valley of Veneto is lovingly referred to by locals as the ‘Gardens of Verona’, contained by the Lessini mountains in the North, Lake Gard to the west, and the city of Verona to its South. Within this historic heartland, you will find an elegant Veronese Villa Gioana, home of the now landmarked Tenute SalvaTerra Winery. It is surrounded by olive groves, grand estate gardens, ancient dry stone walls, and cypresses; everything you’d expect from a magnificent 16th-century Villa.
This revered region and its traditions influenced the winery’s name, mission, and logo. The label depicts the three key characteristics of the region’s history: soil containing a marl gibing stratum, the vineyard’s natural irrigation, the prun rock used in Veneto’s Roman architecture, and iron, representing the craftsmanship.
Linking the name and logo of the winery to the area was intentional, of course. The Furia family, which has been a producer in the area for over 30 years, is determined to boost the beauty and uniqueness of Veneto, its soils, and wines. The undulating valleys surrounding the Villa are synonymous with growing native grapes such as Corvina and Rondinella, and the winery Amarone drying technique means that this winery is the perfect way to understand and experience the true expression of grapes in Vallipolcalla, giving the wines bold aromas and perfect balance.
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